- It helps to improve soil structure & fertility.
- It helps to improve quantity of useful bacteria in soil so soil becomes more live.
- It maintain C.N ration because of it soil become more fertility.
- Harvester have include more bacteria which are very important for farming like azotobacter, rhyzobium, azosprilum, PSB, KSB, Microrhyza & Many of bacteria. These bacteria help plant to absorb nitrogen from climate. When we apply P & K in form of chemical fertilizer that time according to natural nature of P & K it get stable in soil plant can be able to pick it. In this case these bacterial helps to absorb N & P to plant.
- Harvester improves resistance power of plant.
- Harvester helps to improve white rooting of plant.
- Harvester helps keep the plant more green for long time.
40 KG