. Orbit Crop Micronutrians



1. Flourish D is a research based product containing Nitro-Fert, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, Amino Acid,
Organic Sulpher, Alganic Acid,Sea Weed etc.
2. It is a plant energizer, flowring and setting stimulant and yield booster.
3. It also helps in development of white root.
4. After using this product no need of using other product for various activities of plant.
5. It helps increasing size & width of leaves.
6. It is very helpful in grapes.
7. Flourish develop resistance power against pest & fungal diseases.
8. Flourish is unique product for development of plant.
Does : 2 - 3 ml/ Ltr. of water • For drainching 500 gm/ Acre.

    100 gm

    250 gm

    500 gm
